Disclosure support system PRONEXUS WORKS WORKS-i functions

Directly links accounting data to disclosure data ⇒ greater efficiency and productivity

WORKS-i consistently generates disclosure data from accounting data and automatically deploys the data to each document from a single database.

By loading client's accounting data produced by non-consolidated or consolidated accounting systems from other vendors, or accounting data uniquely produced by the client themselves into WORKS-i, the editing system can instantly use the data to create financial statements in the style required for disclosure and can calculate per-share indicators and automatically link these to the corresponding items in each document. If there are subsequent amendments to the accounting data, the figures in the documents are instantly revised following recalculation, simply by reloading the revised accounting data back into WORKS-i. The automatic calculation process and items checked can be output as a form document, which helps with the rationalization of auditing and checking processes.

Directly links accounting data to disclosure data ⇒ greater efficiency and productivity

Main features of WORKS-i

  • Reclassification of disclosure items
  • Preparation of financial statement data
  • Preparation of earnings summary data
  • Calculation of accounting period data
  • Comparison of first-half and full-year data
  • Calculation of per share information
  • Journalizing (format) registration
  • Labeling reclassification and revised journalizing
  • Optional check settings
  • Calculation of financial indicator data

List of ledger exports

  • Reclassification table / Comparison table / Item breakdown table
  • Proportion / Percentage export
  • Balance sheet (two-row format)
  • Earnings summary / Management indicators
  • Per share information / Journalizing list format
  • Item and value consistency checklist
  • Material list
  • History of revisions for previous fiscal years, etc.