IPO support Documentation support

An IPO is a lengthy process that begins with the preparation of application documents some two years before the actual stock listing. PRONEXUS has the support systems backed by specialized know-how to properly manage your IPO application schedule and help in your listing application documentation.

IPO preparation schedule overview

An IPO is a detailed process. In addition to the preparation of various documents that are submitted to the financial instruments exchanges, including the application for stock listing, a securities registration statement must be lodged over the EDINET system. This statement has to be prepared using a special computer language called XBRL. After listing, the process of quarterly submission of EDINET documents made in XBRL is an ongoing responsibility.
After your IPO, it is very important that you improve your investor relations program. This will include the preparation of IR tools and the provision of a suitable website.

IPO preparation schedule overview

The support process

We support client IPOs by giving them document formats, assisting with how to write the documents, and by managing information consistency. As a company specializing in disclosure support, we can help you make a smooth transition to the continuous supply of disclosure data and IR activities following your listing.

Workshops to train your staff how to write listing application documents

  • We hold document-writing workshops where we explain to beginners the easy way to prepare listing application documents.
  • Dedicated staff from our Disclosure Research Division will assist, even providing one-on-one consultations where necessary.

Formats for listing application documents

Within PRONEXUS WORKS there are a formats and guidelines for application documents.

Listing preparation seminars

We hold planning seminars designed to help you get ready for your listing.

Checks by our Disclosure Consultation Division

  • Our specialists will give you advice about the content of your application documents.
  • After any input or editing is completed, specialists in our Disclosure Research Division will check your documents and give you any revision advice that you need.

Delivery of the application documents

The final proofs are okayed prior to the date of application. The application documents for Section I or Section II are bound and delivered.

Support in the preparation of securities registration statements

Based on Section I data that we have, you will prepare a draft of your securities registration statement. Our specialists in our Disclosure Consultation Division will check your documents, just as they checked your listing application.

Help with document submission

We will support you in the submission of your securities registration statement via EDINET to the Finance Bureau of the Financial Service Agency, using our dedicated booth.

Delivery of prospectuses

We can deliver the prospectuses that we can prepare from your securities registration statement documentation to the syndicate.

Support for the preparation of amended registration statements and prospectuses

We will prepare a draft of amended registration statements and prospectuses We will provide support from the submission of amended registration statements to the delivery of amended prospectuses.


Our client staff will help you prepare for the continuous disclosure that you will make after listing, and will help you to use PRONEXUS services to your benefit.

Ongoing disclosure and IR

PRONEXUS is your "one-stop shop" for investor relations work. We can help you with everything from the preparation of your corporate story to preparing each of your IR tools and the setting up of your corporate and IR websites.